Friday, February 12, 2010

My Sin

"Every choice to do wrong harms someone; if not right away, inevitably, and if not directly, indirectly. At some level, all of humanity suffers. And far from glorifying God, sin grieves Him-as an affront to His character, all that He is and everything He desires. Sin separates the Creator from the creation He loves so dearly." (Swindoll)

I have reacted negatively to two people this week (one in which is very dear to me), and I am immediately so disappointed in myself because of my deep desire to show love and kindness to everyone! Although I immediately try to turn it around and correct my behavior, I am guilty of trying to justify my actions to myself and God. Now I have made myself feel even worse!

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs, so that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:29)

"Receiving God's grace begins with a most unnatural choice for natural humanity: we must admit our helplessness and accept His supernatural intervention. Daily." (Swindoll) "You overcome temptation by catching the first subtle lie as it tries to detour you from the path that leads to life. If we stay connected, bringing every thought to God's Spirit, who lives inside every believer, He will guide us into truth. The secret is in catching the first thought." :} (John Burke)

I am so thankful for a God who opens my eyes and responds with loving forgiveness to my sinful character! So today is a new day :}, and I pray that I seek God first in every word spoken and every action I perform. Although I know that my day cannot be without sin, my choice is to be a humble follower of Christ throughout every minute of the day before me.

"God has placed the goodness of each person on a scale opposite His own perfection and no one-not even the best amoung us -has been, or can be, good enough." (Swindoll)

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