Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gift of Self

"Giving the gift of friendship and celebrating God's life could simplify the season and magnify the reason." (Lois Tupyi)

I believe that one of the best gifts God has given us is the privilege to give, and to take advantage of the energy that flows through our life and relationships by sharing. When we give the gift of friendship or when we share with someone who is lonely or unhappy we can feel the presence of God flow through us with love and compassion. When I do a good deed for someone it puts love in action! When I give myself away, I can just feel a passage opening up and allowing an abundance of happiness and grace in my heart that no one can ever steal from me. :) Too many times circumstances or the business of my life distracts me from giving and sharing myself with others, but when I do give it results in an experience of love, joy, peace, and caring.

"Even in the darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. God will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice. Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever." (Psalm 112:4-6)

 After all, the greatest gift God gave to us was His Son Jesus Christ, so the greatest gift we can give back to God is ourselves! God gave us the gift of eternal life so that we would have something precious to give back to Him. What a gift of love! He sent His one and only Son to earth as the most supreme gift of all; to die for our sins and give us everlasting life. Our God is full of compassion and He loves to give, and He thinks about us continuously all day and night. So I want to give back; I want to give and share a compliment, prayer, or a smile with everyone I come in contact with. And I want to gratefully thank God for all the gifts He has bestowed upon me and at the end of everyday, reflect on how I feel about the gifts I have given and received.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

 Linking up with Tracy at "My Daily Walk in His Grace"


  1. Worthy thoughts...and love is the only gift that increases in the giving! It is the only gift that cannot be kept for if it is kept it cannot be love. Thank-you for these inspiring thoughts with which to begin my day. My attitude to certain 'duties' has been admonished. It is a gift to be able to serve! this is the day the Lord has made. we will rejoice and be GLAD in it.

  2. Great post, Denise! God blessed us with His greatest gift -- salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ -- and when we give to others we receive blessings that flow from above to us and through us! Our God is an AMAZING God!!

  3. So, so true..we can never give of ourselves enough...He seems to always pour more love into us as we pour it out to others

  4. Giving is always the best gift and especially when it comes from the heart. There are so many ways a person can give with talent, words, deeds, helping out the list goes on and on....Jesus is our model for giving like He said freely you have received now freely give...

  5. Thank ou for this post. Show something of yourself is sometimes a great gift for someone else. I wish you much blogfun. Blessings.

  6. I didn't give today, but I had many bloggers giving to me. That, I appreciate and will try to return the gifts.

    You always have good topics to write about.

  7. May that be visible in my life today and each day...

  8. QUOTE: "...If you think about it, our attitudes toward ourselves and others is a direct result of our attitude towards God..."

    How true Denise

  9. Denise, you REALLY convicted me today. I definitely need to check my attitude. I've been going through a spiritual attack recently and have battled discouragement and discontent. I need to remember who I am in CHRIST!!! Thank you sister, as always!!!
    Love and hugs!!!
