Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Will or God's Will?

“Everything is permissible-but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible-but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek His own good, but the good of others.” (1 Corinthians 10:23)

What is free will?

Free will grants us enormous control, influence and potential. However there are certainly consequences to choices that we make that do not fall in line with God’s will. Just because we possess the ability and/or liberty to do or say something doesn’t always mean that we should do or say it. Everything is permissible…but not everything is constructive! Therefore, you’re either being constructive or destructive, honest or dishonest by your free will of choice; there is no in-between. And making disparaging decisions or making wrong choices can separate us from God and be considered destructive…but when our free will leads us to seeking the good of God and others we are building a life that is fruitful. Life is full of choices, judgments, and decisions and we must constantly be aware of the choices we make. We must ask ourselves if what we are about to do builds others up and brings integrity and honor to God…

Is my choice or what I am about to do going to benefit others?

When confronted, is the issue dealt with in Scripture?

Am I stepping out in faith and being obedient?

Is what I am doing going to build a constructive relationship with God?

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42)

How many times has God asked you to do something that you just don’t want to do? I am pretty sure that there are times when the Lord places us all in situations that we do not want, desire, or understand. This is the battle of “our” will vs. God’s; do we desire to know His will, or are we more interested in making our own plans? If we settle for following our own will rather than His will we may end up getting less than what we imagined and possibly more than we ever wanted. God allows us to do what we want and has designed us with a heart and wisdom to make decisions and right choices, however there are consequences when we stray from His plan. He allows us to fail, but He also leaves a way to do what is right. He is always willing to help us if we pray and get our hearts in alignment with His own perfect will.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

As Christians, we are not left to our own resources to cope with problems and decisions, and the great thing is that when we mess up God will forgive us as long as we choose to seek His will in all that we do with a willing heart. Asking God to restructure our desires awakens our minds to making constructive choices that bring glory to Him and stirs our will. God has given us the ability to choose how we live our life; we make choices every minute of every day. Choosing to follow the will of God is the most important choice we will ever make!
Linking up on Spiritual Sundays and Sharing His Beauty!
Beauty in His Grip Button


  1. Hi Denise, love this post. So true that we have God's word to guide us and today choose His will over ours. God bless my friend

    1. Not so easy to do sometimes Tracy, but when we faithfully give our cup to Him it surely lifts the weight from from our shoulders and makes us feel cherished and protected! :) Blessings!

  2. Denise, very good and well written. It is hard to remember at times that God's intentions are only good for us. Hugs to you dear one.

    1. It is; right? Bunches of hugs back to you JBR! Blessings sister! :)

  3. Hi Denise,

    I love how your posts are always so uplifting...reminding us of the love of Christ in a gentle, not judgemental way!

    I know that God's will for us is not to harm us, but to give us life through Jesus~ to make us more like His son, so that we can love others, and to do good not evil.

    ~Love & Blessings~ Lisa

    1. Thanks sweet friend! So true, and I could have just kept writing and writing to cover these thoughts as well! (Decided to save it for another post-ha!) XXOO Lisa!

  4. Denise, your post goes so well with a phrase that has been in mind and heart for several days now-"just because you can doesn't mean you should".

  5. Thank you, Denise. I will sometimes do so many other things than God says I can do. But by His spirit, I try to 'restrain' ( right englisch word?) myself. To do what He would do. Not choose hate but prayer. Liefs.

    God's intentions are good for us. I trust in Him.

  6. Hi Denise,
    I am afraid way too often it is, "my will be done." We must remember, just because it may not be sin in and of its self, it could have negative consequences.

  7. Sometimes I've wanted to opt out of doing something b/c it would be easier but if I know He wants me to do it...then I have to. I'm Jewish...and my family wanted me to stop believing in Jesus. I know they were hurt but I couldn't do what they asked....Sometimes it's hard to do what we know is right but to not do it I think is way harder. Hope your weekend shines.

    1. Sometimes it sure is easier to follow our own will! So thankful for the choice you made Sarah; blessings to you! Enjoy the rest of your weekend too. :)
