Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Song of Hope

Have you ever felt as if the Lord is telling you to stop and lift up your eyes with complete trust and faith and just be…still? Our downcast eyes can be a sign of sadness and despair, and when we focus on the ground, we miss real beauty and opportunity that surrounds us. Sometimes we need to just stop worrying and struggling to figure it all out, slow down and find rest and restoration from our loving Father. There is no higher place to look than to the Lord! When life becomes a little overwhelming I turn to Psalm 121, which is a song of hope and an assurance of the promise of God’s protection day and night. It is an exquisite psalm of trust, courage, and vigilance needed in our daily lives because it counsels us to trust quietly in Him when we are anxious, stressed or troubled. In verses 1-2, God calls us to look outward and upward and keep our eyes open to the One who will always be there to pick us up when we fall. The result of lifting up your eyes will be an irrepressible joy that brings contentment and thankfulness!

“I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (1-2)

God doesn’t promise the absence of pain or even failure, however He is always watching over us because He does not slumber or sleep! Verses 3-4 assures us that nothing diverts or deters Him, and we never out grow our need for God’s untiring watch over our life. Our God never grows weak or weary, but rather He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. He is always awake, always aware, and always watching over His children.

“He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” (3-4)

What an amazing promise from God we have! Emphasized in verses 5-6 is that all the time, day and night, He is watching our coming and going. God is looking out for us, to bless us and provide for us in every area of our lives, and to keep us safe and secure in His love. The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, and they are full of affection, care, and loving interest.

“The Lord watches over you-the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” (5-6)

Verses 7-8 wrap up this psalm of hope and promise, assuring us that God’s love is focused on us, and He is observing us in a far greater, more intensive way than we could ever know. We may feel insignificant, forgotten, or even forsaken at times, but it’s impossible for God to take His eyes off of us! It is His own eyes that that watch over us continuously now and forever. And if God Himself observes us all year long, how much more should we observe Him all year long? When our hearts are breaking, when we feel overwhelmed or anxious, when we are lonely and our future seems uncertain, we must never take our eyes off the Lord. He is the only One who can really help and comfort us!

 “The Lord will keep you from all harm-He will watch over your life; The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more.” (7-8)


  1. So thankful for His watchful eye over me. I love your mission statement!

  2. Thanks for the reminder...will be camping in that Psalm today.

  3. First I want to say thank you for your lovely comment to my posting. And today you picked my favorite verse I use all the time. Psalm 121 my help comes from the Lord...Oh my goodness, when problems come my way and my mind and thoughts want to act as though I don't know what to do I go directly to Psalm 121..and when I am done saying those words and singing those words. Talk about peace and having everything in perspective...I don't know if you know this or not but Psalm 121 is a song and the title you have also is a song we sing it in church...Love ya have a great weekend...

  4. Psalm 121 is one of my favorites. I like the thought that HE is watching over me all the time! This is a good word to start my day with today. Thank you sharing it. Have a great weekend Denise.

  5. I love this Psalm! The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sings a song with these words that I love. What a reassurance to me.

    Blessings and love,

  6. This was a very uplifting and encouraging post Denise. It helps me to stay focused on my security in the Lord, instead of fearing what is going on in the world all around us.
    ~God Bless You my friend,~ Lisa

  7. Hi Denise - I love how you say there is no higher place to look than up to the Lord. Great reminder for the week ahead.
    God bless my friend

  8. Thanks for this post Denise! I really needed to hear and apply this promise into my life! Blessings Denise! :D

  9. Thank you Denise, this is such a beautiful psalm. Many people, we read this psalm before they go on holiday. I like this posting.

  10. Denise, I needed to read this today! I, too, can be defensive depending on who the criticism is coming from. This recently happened and I walked away wounded, angry (why does she say those things!) and it sent me into a funk for a day or so. Your admonishment to do nothing is important. I just heard someone say today "Hurt people, hurt people." I don't want to be that person. Thank you for being honest, and it's good to read the heart of someone who is right where I am. Thank you.
