Friday, March 26, 2010

Giving More

"We have different gifts according to the grace given to us; let us do it cheerfully." (Romans 12)

I often ask myself, and seek God in prayer on "exactly what are my gifts? What more should/can I be doing?" I don't want to neglect my service to God, and want to live up to my responsibility as a Christian to give all of myself as I can. I believe that God has blessed me with many gifts that I haven't even discovered yet, and I pray that I will operate up to the level of His calling. I know that God has something bigger and greater in mind and that He has a purpose for my life.

As John Burke writes in Soul Revolution "I have learned that if we are truly willing to respond, the Greatest mind in the universe has a plan to use willing people to do His work in this world. He wants to include you in His dream for humanity. All you have to do is stay connected, willing, and responsive, and you and your friends will be amazed at what God will do through you. According to God, the path to true wealth is counterintuitive. It's not by worrying or hoarding more, but by trusting and giving more."

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and glory forever." (Hebrews 13)

Many times I am over anxious and find myself involved in a service that is not gratifying and doesn't give me inner peace. I have to ask myself is this right for me; am I doing this for God or myself. I believe that it is important to seek God in prayer, listen, and wait patiently for His response, then look at my God-given spiritual gifts, my personality, and my leadership style to be able to passionately serve and follow God's will.

"Now there are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. All of these are the work of one and the same spirit, and He gives them to each one, just as He determines". (1 Corinthians 12)

I am so driven to give more, and continue to passionately search and pray for  unique gifts that drive and motivate me so that I can share and contribute to my church and meet the needs of others. I am somewhat of an over achiever, and tend to take on more than I can handle which leads to stress and anxiety. I must be willing to trust Him to lead me to the resources that will enable me to develop and make an impact on peoples lives.

John Burke also writes "The implications are clear. God had given all of us different amounts. He wants us to use it to provide for ourselves, even to enjoy it, but He also expects us to invest it to further His business here on earth. Its not all for us. He wants us to use our creative capacities to make it multiply for good-to leverage it for His kingdom-building enterprise on earth."

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