God knows only one breed of human beings: His children. So if heaven looks like a varied group of saints, shouldn’t the Kingdom of God on earth look the same? True Godly reconciliation means we should be united with people who are not like us; we are no longer strangers-we are all one-because of Christ’s death. We have all sorts of ways of dividing ourselves, and many of us fear our differences and the unfamiliarity which those differences bring. But in order to become one, we first have to overcome our fear of differences by facing them head on and by changing the way we perceive them. As Christians, we are called to take seriously our part in knocking down the barriers and the walls that divide us, and to build bridges of love and reconciliation instead. If we leave this wall standing, it prevents others from seeing what Christ has done in our lives and from sharing the gospel with those who live without hope and without God in their lives – the very people who need to hear Christ proclaimed the very most! :) As we live in harmony with each other, they will see that God is love!
I don’t think there’s really anything wrong with associating with like-minded individuals and people with similar backgrounds as long as we don’t put up a wall of division to others who are different in nature. God certainly doesn’t put up these barriers, and the walls we can build up, He can certainly tear down! God’s desire for us is that we look beyond any economic, gender, or racial barriers that divide us and prevent us from living and loving as one entity. To complete this task that He has set before us, we have to be willing to be led and work in harmony to break down the barriers that we construct between each other so that the world may believe and know the love of Christ as reflected in our love for each other.
“And in Him you two are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His spirit.” (Ephesians 2:22)
Christ formed all of us into a body and into a group of individuals whose purpose is to be united and reconciled in our love for one another and for the Lord. Our goal as a Christian should be to have unity among us and to reflect Christ’s love for the world through our love for each other.
“The union of men with God is the union of men with one another.” Thomas Aquinas